Toward Hearts: The Story of Salmons

Let's dive into a boundless, cool blue, and splendid ocean world. A novelty, eye-catching, and imaginative visual design by Lin, Yi Syuan. The concept adheres to the meaning of a salmon's habitual behavior: migration.

"Toward Hearts: The Story of Salmons” is a production of a dance department of the National Taiwan University of Arts. The production uses the salmon to similize the graduates. The salmon also has a Chinese homonym which meaning is close to migrating. They lead the audiences to imagine themselves as a salmon. And ask themselves these questions "Where would you migrate? Where is the place towards your heart?".

The designer uses a computer to create a hand-painted visual design. It shows a huge difference with traditional dance campaign literature. The hand-painted texture also gives a humanist sense. She uses the posture that imitates the fish to form the image of salmon migration. Then she imbeds more detail in the head that points the most important part which is the mind.

They explore the core of original intention and remind people not to forget it. Even there's no one to cheer for you, don't give up on yourself. Just do your best in any plight. Every jump is a hope. If you don't make it with all your might, you would never have the chance to try again. 
